AVR Assembly Tutorials
These tutorials assume you have some basic knowledge of programming AVR microcontrollers in C. If you do not, I recommend you start there.
Here you will find a collection of tutorials I have put together using AVR microcontrollers in both C and Assembly language. In addition, I have a showcase and source code for many of the projects I have built using AVR microcontrollers.
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AVR Assembly
.include "m328pdef.inc"
.org 0x00
main: sbi DDRB,PINB0 ; set PINB0 to output
sbi PORTB,PINB0 ; set PINB0 output high
loop: rjmp loop
int main(void)
DDRB |= (1 << PINB0) // set PINB0 to output
PORTB |= (1 << PINB0) // set PINB0 output high
Helpful Links
- AVR Freaks Forum - Your go to source for any AVR related questions
- AVR Libc Home Page - GNU software toolchain for AVR Microcontrollers
- AVRA - Open Source assembler for AVR Microcontrollers
- Atmel Studio - AVR IDE from Atmel
- USBtinyISP - Reference for the USBtinyISP AVR programmer
Getting Started
A Little More Advanced
UART Communication
- Writing UART Routines
- Creating UART Macros
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